A short glimpse into the lives of Harrison Sheldon, aka Harry (Mark from City Falcon's uncle) and his partner, Nikodemos Archangelidis, aka Nick. Enjoy!
Note: adult content
Too close to home
York City, 1979
The apartment was dark and silent, but Nick's
keys were in the clay bowl on the dresser, indicating that he was home.
Sleeping, most likely, given the hour. Leaving his boots next to Nick’s loafers
in the hallway, Harry tiptoed into the kitchen by the street light falling in
through the slits in the blinds. After he'd stowed his gun in the safe under
the sink and thrown his hat and tie on the table, he pulled a beer from the
fridge and leaned back against the counter as he drank, guzzling down half the
bottle in one go.
With a sigh, he closed his eyes and rolled
the cold bottle across his forehead, held it there for a moment, his shoulders